.. |webcore| replace:: Webcore .. _utils_storage: Utils: storage ============== Some nice storage things that are either gone or missing from django .. file_cleanup ------------ File cleanup callback used to emulate the old delete behavior using signals. Initially django deleted linked files when an object containing a File/ImageField was deleted. Here's an usage example:: from django.db.models.signals import post_delete from webcore.utils.storage import file_cleanup post_delete.connect(file_cleanup, sender=MyModel, dispatch_uid="mymodel.file_cleanup") ASCIISafeFileSystemStorage -------------------------- Same as FileSystemStorage, but converts unicode characters in file name to ASCII characters before saving the file. This is mostly useful for the non-English world. Usage (settings.py):: DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'webcore.utils.storage.ASCIISafeFileSystemStorage'