Design: colors

Django Colors offers a set of filters to manipulate colors.

Project page:


Color manipulation

Template filters to manipulate colors:

Filter Description
color Returns the hexadecimal value of a named color (ex: black -> 000000)
lightness Set lightness to x, accept hexadecimal or hsv tuple as value
hue Set hue to x, accept hexadecimal or hsv tuple as value
opposite Returns the opposite (complementary) color on the HSV color space
saturation Set saturation to x, accept hexadecimal or hsv tuple as value

Color spaces conversions & utils

Template filters to convert colors:

Filter Description
hex_to_rgb Returns the opposite color on the HSV color space
hex_to_hsv Returns the HSV value of a hexadecimal color
hsv_to_hex Returns the hexadecimal value of a HSV color
expand_hex Expands shorthand hexadecimal code, ex: c30 -> cc3300
short_hex Return shorthand hexadecimal code, ex: cc3300 -> c30

Real world examples

Saturation example

In this example we take an hexadecimal string and set its saturation to 10:

{% load colors %}

h1 {
    background: #{{ hexcode|saturation:"10" }}

Chaining example

It’s possible to chain transformations, in the next example we set the saturation to 50 and set the lightness to 40 on the result:

{% load colors %}

h1 {
    background: #{{ hexcode|saturation:"50"|lightness:"40" }};

Using RGB values in CSS


{% load colors %}

h1 {
    background: {{ hexcode|hex_to_rgb:"rgb(%s, %s, %s)" }};

Dynamically generated gradients

Here’s a more useful example:

{% load colors %}

#my_div {
    /* non-css3 */
    background: #{{ color }};
    /* IE */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#{{ color }}', endColorstr='#{{ color|lightness:"30" }}');
    /* webkit */
    background: -webkit-gradient(radial, left top, left bottom, from(#{{ color }}), to(#{{ color|lightness:"30" }}));
    /* firefox 3.6+ */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #{{ color }},  #{{ color|lightness:"30" }});