Design: libs

Webcore comes packed with the lots of commonly used CSS/JS libraries.

Tip: You can use libs templatetags to load any library in your template using its keyword.


{% load libs_tags %}
{% csslib "960 960_text" %}

For more informations you can refer to the Template tags documentation.

CSS libs

keyword lib
960_12_col 960 grid (12 cols)
960_12_col_rtl 960 grid (12 cols, right to left)
960_16_col 960 grid (16 cols)
960_16_col_rtl 960 grid (16 cols, right to left)
960_24_col 960 grid (24 cols)
960_24_col_rtl 960 grid (24 cols, right to left)
960 960 grid
960_rtl 960 grid (right to left)
960_grid shows grid background
960_reset 960 grid reset
960_reset_rtl 960 grid reset (right to left)
960_text 960 grid text
960_text_rtl 960 grid text (right to left)
colorbox_theme1 colorbox theme #1
colorbox_theme2 colorbox theme #2
colorbox_theme3 colorbox theme #3
colorbox_theme4 colorbox theme #4
colorbox_theme5 colorbox theme #5
ui_lightness jQuery UI lightness theme
ui_darkness jQuery UI darkness theme

JS libs

keyword lib
csspie CSS3 Pie <>
colorbox jQuery Colorbox <>
colorbox_src jQuery Colorbox (uncompressed)
jquery jQuery <>
jquerymobile jQuery Mobile <>
jqueryui jQuery UI <>
live Live.js <>
modernizr Modernizr <>